Once you log in, you will be taken to the Monitor>Dashboard page. This is the launch off point for the PCC and you can select which network to monitor under Select Network dropdown.
(2a) Learning more about the Dashboard
Here you can get high level insight into your Pronto hardwares, their health (online/offline), downstream clients connected, bandwidth details and alerts. Additional analytics widgets include Network SSIDs that have been configured, top clients and Pronto hardware by usage.
(2b) Clients
To view all connected clients under a network, navigate to Monitor>Clients
Under this section you can view:
total bandwidth being used
clients connected in real time as well as over a specified time period
Client MAC ID
Host Name
Device Type
AP connected to
Network connected to
signal strength
Bandwidth Usage
(2c) Network Devices
If you want to view devices for a current network, navigate to Monitor>Network devices. Here you can see:
device name/mac id
firmware and device type
last heartbeat
date of when the device was activated
band channel
clients connected to each band
(2D) Reports
To better understand the behavior of your network, you can create reports for the following categories over a specified time period:
Top 5 APs by Usage
Top 5 Clients by Usage
Usage per SSID
Number of connected Clients
Number of connected Clients per SSID
AP List
APs DownTime
(2E) Event Logging
‘Event Logging List’ contains a detailed list of the logging events based on live and historical data. The list can be filtered based on several parameters such as ‘Access Points’ and ‘Clients’. If a captive portal is enabled for either the WLAN or LAN, user device association, authentication, and dissociation will be recorded here.
To view the event log in real-time, navigate to Monitor>Event Logging
(2F) Notifications
You can view all alerts that have been triggered, here. Alerts are set under Configuration>Alerts.
(2G) Tools
Basic network testing tools available are
DNS routing
packet captures
To run the tools, navigate to Monitor>Tools